Become a member of
Digital Media X
and enjoy our best services and members only offers and discounts

About Digital Media X PREMIUM Club!
Thanks to the quality of our brands and the constant listening to the market needs, today, we are pleased to say that we enjoy the trust of our customers worldwide. We appreciate the fact that during our presence on the global market we have built up an emotional connection with our customers and this has contributed to the fact that we have became one of the brand leaders in digital marketing and branding sphere.
We are constantly thinking about our clients and besides the quality and affordable prices, we offer various benefits from month to month. The loyalty program is just one of the ways to thank you, our faithful customers for provided trust.
Why Digital Media X Loyalty Card?
- You are eligible for 5% discount already during the first purchase,
- Any subsequent purchase in the amount of EUR 2000.00 and more will bring you additional points that are recorded on the card
What are the bonus thresholds and how you get a discount?
I Bonus threshold – with 15 points collected, the next purchase account is reduced by 10%.
II Bonus threshold – with the 25 points collected, the next purchase account is reduced by 15%
Note: If the client does not make use of his discount in the first bonus threshold, it is transferred to second bonus threshold because the points are accumulated in the bonus period.
What is the bonus period?
The bonus period represents the period of 365 days as of the date of becoming a member of the loyalty system.
How to become a VIP client?
When a customer reaches EUR 5,000.00 spending level in one bonus period, the customer enters the VIP Club where as such earns additional benefits and receives a gift certificate in the amount of EUR 50.00.
What are the additional benefits?
You get the following information first by SMS and per Email:
- About novelties in the offer
- Discounts for that month
- Priority on service and support
- 24/7 Helpdesk access
- Additional benefits for weekend actions …
Contact Us
For any question please send us a message to
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Customer Service
To talk to a representative, please call +49 (0) 176 3859 7652